Being daily lives more delicious and more pleasant.

We are producing foods that be with various times.
We are aiming to be everyone’s life more delicious and more pleasant.

Wholesale baking goods
Go to “Shiraishi-pan” web site.
(in Japanese)

Retail Bakeries
Go to “PanoPano” web site.
(in Japanese)

Licensed baking goods
Go to Pasco Shikishima Corporation’s web site.

Acts for food safety


We have been certified according to the ISO 9001, an international quality management standard since 2008 and the ISO 22000, an international food safety management standard since 2010. We are making an effort to improve our customer’s satisfaction and food safety management continuously.

  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified (Headquarters and all sales branches)

  • ISO 22000:2018 Certified (Headquarters, Morioka factory, Sendai factory and logistics section)

Self and External Inspection

Our factory is always opened to external auditors to avoid any safety risks. And also self-inspection is being executed regularly.

Food Safety Administration Office

Providing highly hygienic and safe products is our top priority. In 1987, We established an individual section that aims at preserving the integrity of food production. The office examines products every day with up-to-date technologies.

Acts for society

Locally-produced Farm Products

A lot of dedicated produced local farm products can be found in Tohoku region. Having a wish for introducing them to many consumers and backing agricultural industries, we have been releasing products which made with it for more than a decade.

Participating in Agriculture

Producing wheat is prevalent in our home prefecture Iwate, especially around our headquarters area. We have been supporting and collaborating with local governments, institutes and agricultural associations to develop the wheat farming industry.

Contributing to Regional Activity

Our founder belonged to a charitable society and devoted to it for a long time. Following his wishes, we have been contributing to activities in our region such as presenting cakes to institutions at Christmas time every year or backing football tournaments for elementary-school-age children.


1948 Opened a small bakery Founder Masuo Shiraishi, who had an experience of baking in his youth, opened a small bakery in central Morioka after he came back from WWII.
1950 Built a factory As the first bakery was very successful, we needed to increase production capacity.
1953 Established a company The business rapidly grew from sole proprietorship to the enterprise.
1960 Built a large-scale factory Consolidated some small plants to supply products on a large scale.
1969 Launched shop business We opened a bread shop and café in central Morioka, which will become the origin of the current retail business.
1973 Built a mass-production factory We built the largest baking factory in Tohoku region at the time in a rural area of Morioka.
1975 Opened Sendai sales branch We opened the first branch outside home prefecture and continued to develop sales areas.
1978 Started using trademark for wholesale business We established the current brand “Shiraishi-pan” for wholesale products.
1992 Allied with Pasco Shikishima corporation To provide baking goods to nationwide chain stores, one of Japan’s major baking company needed to ally with us.
2009 Acquired Sendai factory We acquired a factory as large as the existing factory and expanded our distribution network across the Tohoku region.
2010 ISO 22000 certified We have certified our food safety management system, proving that it is safe and reliable and meets international standards.
2011 The 2011 Massive Earthquake Both factories had to be stopped operation by the earthquake for several days. We made an effort to resume production as soon as possible, and then provided more than one million relief supplies to the quake-hit area.
2013 Opened a roadside shop We expanded our bakery business from in-store to roadside shops to offer higher bread value.


Operating Officer
Wholesale Business Division Director
Non-executive Director Non-executive Director Representative Director
Chief Executive
Non-executive Director
Independent Auditor


Akita Sales Branch

212-1 Kokucho-Oyachi, Iijima, Akita, Akita

Morioka Factory
Morioka Sales Branch

23-70-1 Kurokawa, Morioka, Iwate

Sendai Factory
Sendai Sales Branch

7-1 Raijin, Yoshioka, Taiwa, Miyagi

Koriyama Sales Branch

15-2 Kita-Kawada, Kami-Yukiai, Tamura, Koriyama, Fukushima

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